Are you thinking of removing your lawn? Consider Native Plants.

Landscaping with native plants is a great alternative to lawns.  They are low water tolerant and have the added benefit of enhancing your area for our native Southern California birds.

There are some great resources to help people get started.

National Audubon Society has launched a database of plants that are great for birds. You can search by your zip code to explore the best plants for birds in your area.

The California Native Plant Society has many resources to learn and explore. Check out a chapter in your local area for outdoor hikes and walks, programs, and much more.

And look for plants using the Calscape database.

The Theodore Payne Foundation for Wild Flowers and Native Plants provides many materials and educational resources.

The Metropolitan Water District also has resources on native plants along with various water saving incentive programs.

You will love learning about plants that support our local native birds!