Santa Fe Dam Field Trip — Whittier Area Audubon Society
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Santa Fe Dam Field Trip

Description: Join us for a trip to Santa Fe Dam Recreation area.  We will walk the nature center area looking for Cactus Wren, California Thrasher and Gnatcatcher and other alluvial fan scrub habitat residents.  We will make additional stops to look for wintering sparrows and warblers, Vermillion Flycatcher and Rock Wren.  We should be able to find ducks, geese and cormorants around the lake. 

Meet: We will leave the Whittier Community Center parking lot at 7:00 AM. Alternatively, meet us in parking area #1 (the first lot after the entrance) at 7:30 AM.  There is a $12 per car entrance fee ($5 for seniors). 

Bring: Lunch, birding equipment, sunblock and water. 

Trip Leader:  Steve & Liz Huber are leading; let me know if you are coming (

Later Event: December 14
December Beginner Bird Walk